Thursday, August 16, 2012

My Connected Educator Vanilla Cake


#LeadershipDay12, was a day (8/15/12) for bloggers to engage educational leaders in conversations to help them embrace the vast possibilities that technology now offers, as well as to encourage leaders to become connected educators. What is the recipe for a connected leader?  I am not a leader of technology, but I am a leader who embraces technology, and I have only been a connected leader for a total of 62 days! I must say, I have enjoyed the summer, tasting this new smorgasbord of possibilities, and I am well aware I have only nibbled and tried a few things, but I am excited to taste the varied flavors of this vast spread of possibilities.  For now, my recipe has simply yielded a plain vanilla cake, but I think with time I will be able to bake a delicious German chocolate layer cake.  Maybe by leadership day 13, as I add a few ingredients as a connected leader I will have perfected my chocolate cake! For now this is where I am:


1  cup  patience
1  cup determination
5 tablespoons advice
3 drops positive reinforcement
a handful of blogs to start
a few #hashtags
140 drops of wisdom

First, find a technologist willing to mentor you
Organize your blogs through reader
Read everyday
Blend in your own blog; mix it up once a week
Create a @handle to add flavor to your experience
Sift, and resift and sift some more -as you find people to follow
Add your own 140 drops of wisdom, and you will soon have a few followers
If your oven is too hot from overload, just call your mentor, most likely s/he will find a way to save the cake!

My advice as a novice connected leader is to be patient with yourself, don’t be afraid to ask for help, list all of the tools you would like to try, and then explore one by one, little by little…..
Many thanks to my mentor – who supports me online and off

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this post! You really have come a long way and should be very proud of yourself! Keep up the great work!
