Thursday, June 27, 2013

Reflecting on My Journey as a Connected Educator

I view my first year as a connected educator as slowly walking up a set of garden steps. You know, the steps you can easily climb at your own pace, allowing you to observe and interact with your surroundings as you move forward. By taking my time I became used to, explored and learned from the blogs I read and wrote, and the PLN I formed. I wrote a total of 28 posts, have 300 followers on twitter, and contributed 880 tweets. I surpassed my goal of publishing one blog a month. I did sit down and rest on those steps many times, looking around trying to absorb the environment, seeking guidance and contemplating what to do next. I participated in interactive leadership forums, numerous #chats, asked questions, shared resources, and experimented with social bookmarking, different readers, and brought my thoughts and discoveries directly to those I work with. I did not necessarily take any alternative routes, and wish I could have encouraged more of my colleagues to accompany me up those steps, but I certainly did admire the diversity of the flowers as I climbed, and from time to time picked a flower to share or planted a seed to nurture throughout my journey. So as I enter my second year as a connected educator I plan on exerting myself a bit more. I imagine myself walking up the steep steps of a Mayan pyramid.  Acknowledging the architectural and organizational wisdom of the Mayans I will begin the journey planning and organizing in order to facilitate the journey. I will add some structure to my blog(s), better use and organize the features of Feedly, expand and adapt my readership, add Pinterest to my repertoire, establish a mechanism to learn from my “favorites,” and create a schedule of professional learning through many educational chat sessions. The important thing is that I feel ready to push myself as I make my way up the top of the pyramid. I can now only imagine the experiences I will endure, the ideas I will contemplate, and what the final view will be when I reach the top! I look forward to sharing my view and learning with you all throughout this journey.