Taking care of a grandchild is a mix of entertaining, teaching, cleaning and playing! Now that Sadie is 2 ½ there has been a definite role reversal! Sadie is now the entertainer and I am entertained! Today’s production was a hoot. She used her “phone” quite a bit. She was talking away with her phone at her ear and then all of a sudden it was sideways in front of her eyes. “What are you doing Sadie?”, “I am taking a picture,” she says. Soon after that all of her dolls and stuffed animals were on the couch as Grandma sang Five little monkey’s Jumping on the Bed. One by one, they “fell” off the bed as Sadie called the Doctor (and the Dr. said…). When lunch time came around Sadie pulled out her two picnic baskets, named all of her food items, borrowed her little sister's burp cloth to set up her picnic blanket, evenly distributed the pizza, and then sang a song to invite her mother and me to the picnic. Finally, nap time came around, but Sadie wasn’t tired. She picked out 12 books to pile in her bed and spent the next two hours reading and singing as I snuggled with her little sister. Little did Sadie know that Laila and I were treated to a full-on sing and read aloud through the baby monitor. The ABC song, Skip to my Lou, and Ring Around the Rosie were part of the repertoire. Nap time was officially over and Sadie decided it was time to search the house for bugs. She went back and forth between her binoculars and the magnifying glass to see which one worked better.

Official babysitting begins next week as my daughter-in-law goes back to work. This role reversal came at the perfect time! I now must entertain 3-month-old Laila as Sadie entertains me. Wow, what a wonderful show it will be!
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