Saturday, October 20, 2012

Interconnectedness and My Day in 4A

One of my six professional and personal goals this school year stems from a school wide goal centered around interconnectedness – how are the people, places, and programs at our school interconnected? By understanding, appreciating and seeking interconnectedness we can support a unified community.

Many paths can be followed to understand and support the connections throughout a community. I have chosen to follow a path that will help me to better understand how and if the connections between the schedule, specific curricular programs, and daily interactions with numerous faculty help support the developmental needs of students in the Lower School.

This is my approach and these are some of the questions I am pondering:

·            I will be attending a full day of school in each grade level (JK-4) in our Lower School. My ultimate goal is to reach all 16 classes! This will enable me to experience and “feel” a day in the life of each age group.
·            Prior to each visit I will read Chip Wood’s Yardsticks, a Responsive Classroom classic that reviews the developmental milestones of children ages 4-14.
·            Some of the questions I will ponder on as I observe: do the social, academic and emotional expectations embedded in our programs match the developmental stages for each age group? What does it feel like to transition from class to class, teacher to teacher, subject to subject, place to place – throughout the day?
·            My reflections will take many forms, from narratives, direct answers to questions, dialog and much more…as I too will be learning in this journey, and experimenting with different reflection techniques.

This week I had the opportunity to start this journey in a fourth grade classroom. I have already had many exciting interactions with 4th grade so far this year: First, observing them brainstorm, create, advertise and play “foosball” for our day of play; second, a wonderful day long adventure to the Chesapeake Bay to learn about, as well as how to protect this important ecosystem.  Third, just a regular day in 4A! This is the letter I wrote to the students and teachers:

Dear 4A Students and Teachers,
Thank you so much for welcoming me into your class today. I had a blast and learned so much! Some people know that Latin American folk art is a passion of mine so what a pleasure art class was, and I learned a new word, "stylized" using things as symbols in your art. In math I was so impressed with how Mr. Taylor stretched your minds pushing you to explain the process you used to solve your problems, "talk me through that," "What did you DO to get the answer." And how cool were some of the problems you wrote that others will be able to solve via email. I can't wait to read your Spells, and will see if Arsenal does beat Manchester United or one of you makes the Olympics or becomes the greatest athlete in the world. I am sorry I missed the "recipe" as I too wanted to write a Spell on how to become fluent in Italian, which is a goal of mine. I was very proud of my assist on the soccer field, but I am glad you made the goal Emmy. But most of all I was so impressed with your incredible husky behavior. You were all kind and respectful every single moment I was with you. 
Thank you – I had a fabulous day, please keep up your hard work!

Dr. Isabel

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