Friday, July 28, 2017

Summer Reading 2017!

Although I am not on track to finish this stack, so far I have learned a lot from what I have read and look forward to putting it into practice:

The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace by Gary Chapman & Paul White
A healthy culture and community notices, affirms and recognizes the work, good deeds and dedication of others. All organizations can do better in this regard, and I am committed to doing so! Ideas from this book will help me launch a gratitude campaign. If as faculty and staff we model appreciation for each other it will be noticed by our students and transferred to the greater community.It is important to understand how others feel appreciated and the best ways to interact with them to support them. This is where my knowledge expanded from reading this book. I will now be more observant and conscious of what others need as far as support and recognition.
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth
Grit is an important concept for educators and parents to understand. An elevated work ethic, an intense desire to explore one’s passion, and a thorough approach toward setting and planning the steps to achieve one’s goals are embedded elements of Grit. Aren’t these all elements and characteristics that would benefit our children and students for them to be successful? By focussing on character and curiosity as opposed to intelligence and quantitative outcomes Grit honors the whole person or child. This is more apt to lead to intrinsic motivation and authentic transfer of work and success from an academic to a real life accomplishment.
Rising Strong by Brene Brown
I have always enjoyed Brene's books for a few reasons. Her message is authentic and bold. She is a strong woman with important ideas. She recognizes that relationships, connections with others, and personal stories serve as the fuel for us to survive and thus should be explored, honored and recognized. I highly respect her research method. Rising Strong was a good follow up to Grit. Even when we see our vision in the horizon, and we are on a path to persevere and accomplish great things, we will fall, and we may fail. In Rising Strong Brene shares how to recognize and ponder upon our emotions, be in tune with our actions as we fall, and more importantly to use those emotions and self-reflection to get back on our feet and move forward.